Elements of Physical Education



Health and physical education provides students with the knowledge and skills that will enable them to achieve
and maintain a physically active and healthful life, not only during their time in school but for a lifetime. Health
and physical education are integral components of a balanced educational program. This book is written for students of BPEd course in different Indian universities. Based on the prescribed
syllabus, this book consists of the following chapters:I Ancient Wisdom in Physical Education, Sports and yoga:
Patanjli yoga sutra. Gherand Samhita; Introduction: Meaning, definition and concept of physical education; Scope, aim and objective of Physical education; Importance of Physical education in Modern era; Relationship of physical education with general education; II Sociological Foundation: Meaning, Definition and importance of sports Sociology; Culture and sports; Socialization and sports; Gender and sports; III History: History and development of Physical education in India: pre- and post independence; History of physical education in ancient Greece, Rome and Germany; Eminent person of physical education, awards, schemes; IV Olympic Games, Asian Games and Commonwealth Games: Olympics Movement: Ancient Olympic, modern Olympic, Revival, aim, objectives, spirit, torch, flag, motto, opening and closing ceremonies; Asian Games; Commonwealth Games; V Health Education: Meaning, Definition and Dimensions of Health; Meaning, Definition objectives,
Principals and importance of Health Education; Role of Different Agencies in Promoting Health (WHO, UNICEF);
Meaning of Balance Diet and Nutrition and its elements; VI- Wellness’s Life Style: Importance of wellness and life style; Role of Physical Activity Maintaining Healthy Life Style; Stress Management; Obesity and Weight
Management; Prevention of Disease through Behavioral Modifications; VII-Fitness: Meaning & Definition and
types of fitness; Component of physical fitness; Factors affecting physical fitness; Development and maintenances
of fitness; VIII-Posture: Meaning, Definition of Posture; Importance of Good Posture; Causes of Bad Posture;
Postural Deformities (causes and remedial exercise); Fundamental Movements of Body Parts; Anatomical
standing position; References. Definitely students, teachers and researchers in the field will find this book useful and informative. As everybody knows, books of such nature cannot be written single-handedly without sharing the views and write-ups penned by various scholars in the field. Obviously I have consulted a plethora of relevant material available digitally or in print. I express my deep sense of gratitude to all the learned authors whose works I have cited or substantially made use of. Simultaneously my teachers, seniors, colleagues and friends have helped
me in more than one way. I am grateful to them also. Further I am immensely grateful to my kith and kin for
their whole-hearted cooperation, every possible help and moral support in my academic and professional pursuits
as always. The inquisitiveness of my students has prompted me to write this book. I am thankful to them
all. Last but not the least, I am thankful to Shri Gautam Tiwari of Insignia Publications, Delhi for publishing this
book in meticulous manner. Constructive comments and suggestions for improving the quality and utility
information contained in this book are solicited from all learned users.


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